Saturday, August 08, 2009

20,000+ unique visits, 31,000+ hits in July

Thank you all for visiting the website during the month of July. I don't have any click banners or advertising so I don't make anything from the increased traffic but I prefer to keep the site banner free.

Over 20,000 people visited at least one time during the month of July. What promoter or advertiser wouldn't want to reach 20,000 people?

Of that 20,000+ over 11,000 people came back for a second visit. What promoter wouldn't want a crowd of 20,000 and for 11,000 of them to come back again?

My website gets more visits than a lot of sites with advertising. I would consider a sponsor deal if it was a good fit. I'm not talking about a dozen $50 per year banners like I used to do. I had more of a one exclusive sponsor deal in mind. It's probably never going to happen but I can wish can't I?

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