Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Hey ya'll, I'm still out here...Tuesday September 9...

I'll bet you thought I gave up blogging. No, I didn't give it up but I have been really busy lately. Labor Day weekend I spent a night at the races and the rest of the time was taken up with family obligations. Last weekend I went to the Jerry Richert Memorial and was dealing with a roofing company and Dish Network. They had to move the dish off my roof and put it on a post out in the yard to clear some trees that had filled in over the years. I've still got a couple that we're going to have to find a way to top off without having to hire it done. I've got an olive tree my wife has been b*tching about for ten years so I'll probably get my brother-in-law over here with the chainsaw sometime after the season ends. I could use some more firewood anyways so we might as well get it done.

I took vacation this week from the JR Memorial to the Legendary 100. I'll probably commute most of the time but maybe I'll spend the night on Friday to take in some parties.

I thought I had seen everything out at the Cedar Lake campground but last Saturday night was a first. There were a couple of "yoopers" (UP of Michigan) who follow the IRA around camping near us. One of them was playing a guitar and both of them had (I'm not kidding) rubber pigeons on their shoulders. I didn't see any bird shit running down their backs so I presume they were rubber. Anyways, they're playing and singing so the guy decides to play the song "tie my kangaroo down" for Brooke Tatnell's pit guy. I didn't catch his name and he went back to Australia yesterday but I'll find out eventually. Anyways Brooke's helper and this guy with the parrot got into a bit of a pissing match trying to outdo each other imitating Arab accents. Then they'd both go back to an Aussie accent, actually the guy with the parrot sounded right on to my untrained ear. And Brooke's helper did a pretty good job at the Arab.

So watching their verbal joust I figured they were just kidding each other. Anyways, a little while later I was sitting in a lawn chair and we hear this crashing sound. Evidently from what I heard second hand Brooke's bud went and got a boom box to drown out the sound of the parrot guy's guitar. So the parrot yooper guy gets ticked off and does a Who concert impersonation smashing his guitar to smithereens. The guy goes back to drinking beer and I ask his brother what the hell happened. His brother says he was pissed at the guitar because a string broke and didn't like that one anyways so he decided to end it's service life then and there. He threw it in the fire and we watched it burn. He let me play it earlier in the day, it had a decent neck on it and played pretty good. I'd have taken it off his hands if I had known he was going to smash and burn it. I could use a second guitar, especially one that sounded that good.

So that was the first time I ever saw guys wearing rubber pigeons performing in the campground and smashing their guitar. Come to think of it I had never seen an Australian with a boom box speaking Arab before either. That's two firsts in one night. I hope the Legendary 100 isn't going to be that crazy but I have a hunch it will go beyond what we saw last Saturday night.

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