Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sorting things out after the season...

Judging by the dwindling number of message board posts on all of the racing boards people have shifted into post season mode. That's my situation right now too, I'm kind of taking a little break from being absorbed in racing. Well, not exactly a break as I'm busy with a writing project. Tonight I'm trying to locate a couple of old "Race Show" DVD's with a specific driver interview that I need a quote from. Those darned DVD's were sitting here on my desk, not just for weeks but for a couple of years and now I can't find them. Who knows where they ran off to...

A week from Saturday (25th) the first UMSS meeting will be held at the Settlement just north of Somerset at 11:30am. I'm looking forward to seeing what everybody has to say about this deal and how much interest there is. I'll be writing a lot more about it over the off season.

Well, I better see if I can figure out where that DVD went. Later.

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